Read some articles and news about the company Bull Bikes Domžale. We write about our work, attendance at competitions and other events in the field of electric bicycles, engines and other electric vehicles. We will try to keep you up to date and meet the Electric bikes Bull Bikes Domžale are really the best in their field!

Časnik Slovenske novice in gospod Primož Hieng sta menila, da je naše podjetje Bull Bikes z našimi produkti dovolj zanimivo, da o nas napišejo daljši članek.

We have presented our company Bull Bikes and products at Komenda fair.

We have 2 new electric bike models in our product range. Series is called Cafe Racer.

In September 2018 we attended the competitions in the manufacture of electric bikes and convincingly occupied the first place with our electric bike Bull Bikes.

When the Bull Bikes team requires a dose of adrenaline it is seduced by an electric bike even on the great mountain! The home of the Domalas and the goal, the dumplings on the green edge.

Časnik Slovenske novice in gospod Primož Hieng sta menila, da je naše podjetje Bull Bikes z našimi produkti dovolj zanimivo, da o nas napišejo daljši članek.

We have presented our company Bull Bikes and products at Komenda fair.

We have 2 new electric bike models in our product range. Series is called Cafe Racer.

In September 2018 we attended the competitions in the manufacture of electric bikes and convincingly occupied the first place with our electric bike Bull Bikes.

When the Bull Bikes team requires a dose of adrenaline it is seduced by an electric bike even on the great mountain! The home of the Domalas and the goal, the dumplings on the green edge.
